DX LISTENING DIGEST 8-005, January 16, 2008 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2007 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn SHORTWAVE AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1391 **flexible times Thu 0700 WRMI 9955** Thu 1530 WRMI 7385 Fri 0030 WBCQ 7415 Fri 0730 WRMI 9955** Fri 1200 WRMI 9955** Fri 2130 WWCR1 15825 [not expected 7465] Fri 2330 WBCQ 5110-CLSB Sat 0900 WRMI 9955 Sat 1730 WWCR3 12160 Sat 2230 WRMI 9955 Sun 0330 WWCR3 5070 Sun 0730 WWCR1 3215 Sun 0900 WRMI 9955 Sun 1200 WRMI 9955 Sun 1615 WRMI 7385 Mon 0400 WBCQ 9330-CLSB [irregular] Mon 0515 WBCQ 7415 [time varies] Mon 0930 WRMI 9955** Tue 1130 WRMI 9955** Tue 1630 WRMI 7385 Wed 0830 WRMI 9955** Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WRN ON DEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS VIA WRN NOW AVAILABLE: http://www.wrn.org/listeners/stations/podcast.php OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO: http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org ** ANTARCTICA. Have looked for LRA36 several times lately, but no sign of it, in accordance with South American reports that it has been missing from 15476. Including Jan 14 at 1908. Seems like they usually disappear in Jan/Feb, tho you`d think summer would be the most pleasant time for them. Maybe the staff are out frolicking on the beach. Whenever I check this I also check for RAE; see ARGENTINA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARGENTINA. Jan 14 at 1907 check, could detect a carrier on 15344.4, no doubt RAE, and an even weaker carrier on 15345.0 causing a lite het, which would be Morocco (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA [non]. Jan 12 at 2320 I found quite a het on 11550. Two stations of roughly equal strength about 400 Hz apart and hard to separate; even the SW-07 synch funxion couldn`t help. On other receivers and antennas I was able to separate them sufficiently to determine that on 11550.0 was Spanish, no doubt WEWN as scheduled, but mostly skipping over and rather weak; and on 11550.4 something in Indonesian. Time to break out my brand new copy of PWBR 2008. The only other station on ``11550`` at that time, besides WEWN, is shown as R. Australia in ``other`` language via Taiwan. Doesn`t help to look in the non-blue-edged pages in country order, since this is too far off- topic for PWBR. A major world language spoken by over a hundred megapeople, Indonesian, does not merit any individual listings, just lumped in with ``other``. HFCC? The public file, from which all RA Shepparton transmissions have been censored, shows no such R. Australia on 11550, but it does show Indonesian at 2200-2330 on 9630 via CVC Darwin, which lets its registrations including RA relays stand. EiBi? Not listed there either. Once you know it`s RA, this transmission can be found on page 408 of the 2008 WRTH, as 2200-2330 on 11550 via Taiwan. Aoki? There it is, in the 11 January update with more details: 11550 R. AUSTRALIA 2200-2330 1234567 Indonesian 100 205 Tainan TWN 12038E2311 ABC b07 But Aoki misses WEWN on 11550! Which per WEWN website and DXLD 8-004, is on 11550 all the way from 1500 to 2400. Anyhow, any doubts about the off-frequency one were resolved when I heard 11550.4 ID as R. Australia at 2328:30, shortly before going off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA. NEW FM OUTLETS BEGIN TEST TRANSMISSIONS IN NORTHERN TASMANIA. Radio 7LA (1098 kHz) started test transmissions on 89.3 on January 11 and Tote Radio, formerly 7EX (1008), commenced test transmissions today on 90.1 (January 16th). Regular programming cannot be too far away and they may simulcast with their MW channels. They have 6 months grace to do this. The senders are together on Mount Barrow, at the combined TV towers about 15 to 20 miles east of Launceston. Mount Barrow is over 4,000 feet ASL, giving excellent coverage of northern Tasmania (Robin L. Harwood, VK7RH, Norwood, Tasmania, Jan 16, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BENIN. BENIN TRANSMITTER UPDATE --- Progress continues on TWR's new broadcasting facility in Benin, West Africa. Last week, TWR received the title deed for the land, and a commissioning service of the Nautel transmitter is set for this week. TWR missionaries and other workers have been working to prepare for initial transmissions, which are scheduled to begin early this year. Despite many challenges along the way, including health concerns for missionaries and delays in receiving needed equipment, much has been accomplished to ready the site for broadcasting. Recent updates included installing the air conditioning, changing out guy-wires and installing two generators, among many other duties. "Praise the Lord for all the many prayers He has answered," said TWR- Africa missionary James Burnett, "those that we have prayed for long and hard, and those we never even thought to pray about." Still needed is preparing the system to transfer radio programs, which is being worked on in the coming weeks. Today is National Voodoo Day in Benin. According to an article on BBC.com http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4599392.stm of the country's 7 million citizens, 65 percent believe in Voodoo. The day has been a national holiday for a decade. Please pray for God's protection on TWR staff and that Satan's strongholds in Benin would be destroyed (From TWR E-Snapshots newsletter, 11/1 via Craig Seager, NSW, ARDXC via DXLD) WTFK? 1566 kHz MW. Way to go: insult your new host country! (gh) ** BIAFRA [non]. 15665, Biafra via USA, Voice of Biafra, Furman- Noblesville [sic] 01/11, English/Dialect, 2009-2059, male talks (sometimes eloquent speech intonation), IDs by male "Voice of Biafra International Broadcast coming to you from Washington D.C." at 2018, 2023, 2032, 2036, 2055, 2059; at 2032-2036 seems to be dialect language space; music presumed from Biafra at 2019 (sounds like reggae), and at 2055, 2059 male "thank you to listening our broadcast", s/off at 2059. SINPO at 2009-2023: 23332, at 2023-2050: 33333, at 2050-2059: 22322. Very interesting book about Biafra is Frederik Forsyth's ``The Biafra Story: The Making Of An African Legend.`` 73's (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Embu SP Brasil (23 33 S, 46 51 W), Sony ICF SW40, dipole 18m, 32m, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Noblesville is kaput, no longer any transmitters in use there by WHR. You could refer to South Bend as the studio location (gh, DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. 4732, R. Universitaria, Cobija, 01/14, Spanish, 2243-2330, male talks in studio and outside alternating local music selections, 2320-2325 ads, 2327 ID by male “onda corta...”, “Radio Universitaria”, “Cobija”. At 2320, SINPO 32232 4732 was with a strong signal, different than other times around 0100 at 01/15 but with breaks, seems like they are testing some transmitter. You can listen this short mp3 audio 125 kb, 30 seconds: http://www.freewebs.com/audiodx/r.universitaria4732khz0100utc150108.mp3 (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Embu SP Brasil (23 33 S, 46 51 W), Sony ICF SW40, dipole 18m, 32m, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 4732.02, R. Universitaria Cobija noted with open carrier and some weak audio at 0030; at 0115 only rtty. Also 1030 and 2250 on Jan 15; Thanks to heads-up log by Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec. CODAR and rtty also present on signal at 2250-2300. If past performance is an indicator, Radio Universitaria will be on for a short period of time (Robt. Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, Icom 746Pro - Scotka built noise reducing antenna, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL [and non]. Re 4775, 8-004: Olá Glenn, Relativo à nota do Célio, A Rádio Congonhas, de Congonhas (MG), tem agora encerrado as suas transmissões às 0000 como tenho observado desde o dia 28/12/07, (exceto no dia 31/12/07 pois não conferi este dia). A partir deste horário tem se ouvido a R. Tarma, Tarma, Perú, 4775. A partir das 0000 com o s/off da Rádio Congonhas, de Congonhas 4775, que causa forte interferência nas frequências vizinhas, ouve-se as vezes a R. Tacana, Bolívia, 4781 com sinal ruim. 73's (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, SP, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. Olá, pessoal! A Rádio Educadora, de Limeira-SP, reina soberana e solitária na sua frequência de 2380 kHz. Ultimamente ela tem sido captada com sinal muito bom (comparado com o de costume) na frequêcia mencionada. As melhores captações têm se dado de madrugada, quando TV, parabólica, DVD, computador, enfim, tudo está desligado aqui em casa. Eis um log que mostra isso: 2380, 06/01 0420 B Rádio Educadora, Limeira-SP, ID por OM, px relg, OM anuncia hino evangélico, algumas mx e depois longuíssimo bloco de saudações para ouvintes (sinal ótimo!) 55444 MXV Grande 73 a todos e ótimo 2008! (Marcelo Xavier Vieira, Chapadão do Sul-MS, Brasil, Jan 11, radioescutas yg via DXLD) Isto que a Educadora opera com apenas 250 watts nos 2380 kHz. Imagine se fosse para 1 kW à noite? Acho que em todo o mundo, apenas a Educadora está operando em 2380. E nos 90 metros por aqui temos 4 emissoras atualmente emitindo. Aqui em Novo Hamburgo no Rio Grande do sul, é possível sintoniza-lá todas as noites com sinal fraco no Meu Degen 1103 (Édison Bocorny Jr., ibid.) except for Bob Wilkner`s persistent unID in Spanish on 2380, probably a 2x harmonic (gh, DXLD) Por que as ondas de 2 a 6 MHz só são usadas por radiodifusao entre trópicos? Fora desta area (polos) estas ondas não apresentam boa propagação? (Wesley, ibid.) Não só. É que achava-se há muito anos que as ondas tropicais podem alcançar distâncias maiores do que ondas médias, mas não tão longes como as faixas mais altas, assim boas para distâncias regionais. Nas zonas temporadas, estas ondas ficam utilizadas principalmente para comunicações bilaterais. Existem bastantes emissoras também até 6 MHz naquelas zonas não tropicais, sim com boa propagação. 73, (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) ** BRAZIL. [Re 8-004] Nacional da Amazônia, nem em 6180 e 11780 kHz! Pessoal, as ondas curtas têm características especiais que são dependentes de muitos fatores. O nosso colega Sérgio a sintoniza bem em Fátima,Portugal. Veja só a distância. Talvez a propagação para o Rio Grande do Sul não seja favorável devido a vários fatores, principalmente porque as antenas estão dirigidas para a Amazônia e não para o Sul ou Sudeste. O que sintonizamos por aqui é chamado de "lucro". O sinal forte está mais para o Norte e Nordeste, parte do hemisfério Sul e início do hemisfério Norte. O grande número de ouvintes daquela região, para qual as antenas estão voltadas, ainda prestigia as ondas curtas escutando a Nacional de Brasília. O que não acontece por aqui, Sudeste e Sul do País. Aqui as ondas curtas são pesquisadas e escutadas, grande parte, por nós radioescutas, radioamadores e dexistas. E só. A Nacional presta um serviço relevante de utilidade pública naquela região. Eu sei porque acompanho o trabalho deles, pois estou sempre na escuta de suas ondas curtas, pegando bem ou mal. O pessoal humilde daquela região é ligado nas ondas curtas. Dependem delas, e o radinho de pilha tem um valor incrível para eles. E a Nacional os auxilia em recados, informações e muito mais. Pode ser que haja algumas falhas, mas qual empresa que não as comete? Quanto ao sr. Hélio Costa, ministro, bem, deixe-o dormir em berço esplêndido... Não mexa com ele, não. 73 (Luiz Chaine Neto, PX2J0044 - Citizen Band, Limeira - Estado de São Paulo - Brasil, Grid locator -- GG67HK, 22S3405, 47W2403, I.T.U. - 15, Região - 2, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** CANADA. 3257-USB, XLB51, La Ronge, Saskatchewan 1359-1402* Jan 11. YL with English weather for Far North burgs such as Uranium City, Fond du Lac, Stony Rapids, etc. Ended at 1402 with "This is XLB51, clear on all channels. Have a good morning" and off. Logged and verified in 2004 on 4610 kHz at exactly the same time. These broadcasts are used primarily by trappers and fishermen; don't believe they have a set schedule. Fair signal (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Drake R-8, 100-foot RW, Cumbredx mailing list via DXLD) ** CANADA. 6030, CFVP, 0528-0750+, 01/14/08. Mixing with V of Tigray Revolution [see ETHIOPIA], then alone once it faded. Country-western tunes and IDs as "Classic Country AM 1060", "from Inglewood(?) to Winnipeg, your classic sound" and promo that mentioned "southern Alberta". Signal fading up and down out of the noise, ranging from inaudible to fair and clear on the peaks (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. TWO MILLION PEOPLE ABLE TO HEAR R. ICDI This year because of your prayers and your financial support for the radio ministry we are able to reach nearly 2 million people with messages on development and sanitation issues that small villages across CAR are in need of. Not only that but we are able to transmit these messages in 4 different languages because of partnerships with other agencies. God has truly been good to us and we continue to seek gifts to expand this ministry to more hours so that we will be able to touch more lives. Last week Josue Mbami, our administrator, approved another part time radio DJ for our radio station. We are excited about the possibilities this will bring as we reach out to people across the CAR with the message of "HOPE". (Jim Hocking, IN, ICDI, Jan 15, DX LISTENING DIGEST) SW radio 6030 is only a fraxion of this ministry, emphasizing ``community development``. Unfortunately for us, DXers abroad are not among the two million (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** CHINA. 4220, Qinghai PBS, 2340, 01/14/08, listed Tibetan. Central- Asian style vocals and a male announcer taking a couple of listener phone calls (requests?) between songs, 5+1 pips at 0000 and ID with echo effects by F. Remarkable S9+ signal on apparent greyline propagation, near armchair copy. Slight QRM from a warbling ute, otherwise good (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, DX LISTENING DIGEST, WORLD OF RADIO 1391) ** CHINA. Heard Peoples Broadcasting Station Xinjiang in Kazakh broadcasting from Urumqi on Sunday 13 January 2008 at 0000 on 4330. Fair to good signal strength and best on 4331 to avoid interference from rtty station. Continuous morse code interference from presumed (cf. Klingenfuss Utility Guide 2007/08) coast radio station Nanjing, China. Time pips at 0000, then interval signal which was a different musical arrangement of the old Radio Peking IS [The East is Red?]. This was followed by ID by a man which sounded like "sinkiang... (something in Kazakh)" followed by a women with the same words then IS and IDs another two times then IS and into opening announcements. I listened for another 20 minutes and heard a few very very short pieces of music but no full length Kazakh tunes. Does anybody know if any other Chinese regional stations play this interval signal or some other different arrangement of the old Radio Peking IS? (Harry Brooks, North East England, UK, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, dxldyg via DX LISTTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. I can receive CRI-Easy FM in English/Chinese on 4750 kHz now (1700 UT); cannot receive CNR -1 at this frequency. Probably, transmitted by Hailar. Easy FM on 4750 at 1730 sign-off (S. Hasegawa, Japan, NDXC, Jan 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 6060, Sichuan PBS-2, Chengdu, 1050-1133, Jan 16, Chinese programming, ToH pips, traditional Chinese music, // 7225, both fair. Noticed that at ToH and BoH the usual program IDs in English for "This is the Voice of Golden Bridge" (known as their "Life, Travel and City Service" program) were not given. Recently have not heard that ID at all. Possible change to their program schedule? For several years now I have found it hard to believe that this station is only the listed 15 kW. Admittedly I am less than an expert on such matters, but common sense tells me that such a distant station could not be heard by me with such a decent signal on a fairly regular basis, with only 15 kW (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E5, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. UNIDENTIFIED, Chinese jammers of Firedrake music programm also out-of-band today, like Sei-ichi from Japan noted recently. Seemingly against SOH Sound of Hope programm from Taiwan? 10400 S=5, 12160 S=5, 13970 S=7-8, 14410 S=6 and another Chinese programm underneath, 15050 S=6, 16750 S=6, but 18180 kHz not heard, at 1000 UT Jan 12th. Another Firedrake against CBS Taiwan on 11635 kHz at 0900-1400 UT. S=6 Signal at 0920 UT (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM From today SOH (TWN) has partly changed frequencies (these are of course PRESUMED SOH transmissions, not confirmed). TOH break in the Firedrake jamming for 5 minutes at 1000. 9290, 10200, 13970, 14410, 15050, 16750. Chinese noted on 9290 and 10200 (Olle Alm, Sweden, Jan 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA [apparently]. UNIDENTIFIED. 5954.1, the unknown transmitter previously carrying R. República, was once again heard playing nonstop music, some of it with lyrix I think in Spanish, Jan 12 at 2335. It was tough on the FRG-7 to pull it through between Okeechobee on 5950 and Emirler on 5960, but on the YB-400 and DX-398 I reconfirmed it was not on 5955 but the usual 5954.1, and thus no doubt the same transmitter as always. After modulation was cut for a second or two, the carrier went off at 2359:30. Altho the off-frequency, as well as the weak signal here, suggests a minor, possibly Latin American operation, the precision of the closedown time suggests this is really being run by a major broadcast site, which will then retune the transmitter to a proper frequency for another service, probably in the open. While it was on, I tuned around the 6 and 7 MHz bands for possible parallels, not expecting to find any, and I did not. The source of this remains an intriguing mystery (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 5954.15, surprisingly strong signal now at 2310 also here in Finland, much stronger than R. Pio XII on 5952.46 kHz. Sounds like at least 50 kW. 73, (Mauno Ritola, Finland, Jan 15, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED, very weak station, supposed to be tentative Portuguese or Spanish from Latin America on 5954.15 at 2308 UT. But n o t República from a European big center. History: 5954 Back in the past was Radio Casino from Limón, Costa Rica at 1030-2400 UT (Wolfgang Büschel, Jan 15, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Heard several times this same transmission with full hour programs about rock music histories, i.e. Janis Joplin, but the announcer had Argentinian accent rather than Cuban. Doesn't seem to have sense a major broadcaster doing that tricky adjustment from 5954.1 to 5955. This is becoming such a mystery like that one of 1181(?). 73s. (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, Jan 13, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I never said it adjusted to 5955.0, but hypothesized that it switched to a totally different frequency at 2359:30 (gh, DXLD) Wolfy, regarding your history reference, 5954 was the all-time short wave (crystal-controled) frequency for my home town Puerto Limón radio station TIQ Radio Casino, since it was born in the mid 1940s. Due to a realignment of BC band frequencies in the mid 1970s, they were moved to 1220 from the original assigned 1200. Nowadays, no more AM services, just 98.3 FM, or you can find TIQ on line at http://radiocasinodelimon.com Curiously, once an American tourist told my father "...ticos, you don't know what got..." looking at some forgotten and derelict monuments. Sure, we don't know what we got. Even a recently retired radio announcer like Mr. Sidney Walthers Thorpe, the English language voice that many DXers may have listened for near half a century, same time, same station, so good for a Guinness Record. Can anyone mention a similar achievement? But why Ticos do not appreciate what we have? I told a couple of limonenses journalists about homage Sidney, because he deserved it. Nothing happened. I could have done that but I'm no journalist. He arrived to 87 years old last Jan. 5th. When Casino went on the air around 1945, Afro-Tico Mr. Walthers began his 1700 to 1830 local show "Shopping Time with Music Along the Way", until he retired three years ago. He also used to run the 10:00 to midnight English drive (0400-0600 UT), implemented by the station in the early 1960s, which probably was most likely heard by DXers elsewhere. [10 pm-midnight is drivetime for the English?? No, probably means conducted --- gh] Use to hang around Radio Casino while I was a kid during the late 1950s in the early evening hours, without suspecting by then, that as a frustrated railway man, I would ended behind the mike too, now for the last 37 years. 73s and good (if possible) listening (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Raúl, Because of the similarity of off-frequencies, suspicions remain that the current 5954.1+ is the old TIQ transmitter, even if it is no longer in Limón. Could you make inquiries to confirm this or positively rule it out? Perhaps the old transmitter has been turned on again for these transmissions. Next time you are there, local monitoring might show whether the signal is emanating from the TIQ facility (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, ibid.) Glenn, 5954 mystery transmitter is now solved, let's say in a 50%. I didn't reply promptly your morning's query, and in part at your suggestion, I phoned TIQ Radio Casino looking for the engineer in charge, but it was until this past half hour I talked to Juan Carlos Gómez who gave me the real history of TIQ AMers. Through the years in fact, I recall hearing the name of Jorge Pardo, a limonense electronic engineer who home-brewed that couple of 1 kW transmitters, one for the BC band and the other for the 49 mb. Now, you, I, and everyone else who have heard that recent signal for Radio República on 5954 can testify in no way is a 1 kW signal; at least I learnt that from the beginning. And to evacuate any doubts, Gómez has told me both transmitters are still in Puerto Limón and off the air. 1220 went back on the air, but last August a lightning sent it to oblivion. Frankly, 1220 has been absent the time I visited our Caribbean. Not a priority, but they hope to refurbish that one in the near future. BTW, it is not the original 1 kW built by Mr. Pardo in 1945, but a late 1990s 2 kW. ELCOR unit made at the factory of just recently demised Ing. Roy Jiménez Castro, also a Tico pioneer in broadcast equipment. Gómez also told me that the owner of TIQ, Luis Grau, being aware of the costs of keeping even a toy of 1 kW on the air; he got rid off any sentimentalism and enrouted for the www, and transferred the right of frequency 5954 over to an evangelical group in Alajuela. But can you imagine a group like this involved with Radio República? Why not, but I'll have to investigate in Control Nacional de Radio. It's just a matter of time. [Later:] I guess we're about to unveil this 5954 mystery soon. Consider this: San José East where I live, is situated some 20 km from Alajuela, where the new owners of 5954 right of frequency seem to be situated. Why my suspicion is growing after what TIQ engineer JC Gómez told me? I turned my Sony ICF7600GR DX attenuator at minimum [must mean maximum --- gh], and during 2300 to 2400 while playing Maná in Concert, the signal remained with practically no fading. What would you think about this? 73s. Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, Jan 15, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Evangelical in Alajuela instantly brings to mind Adventist World Radio, which used to operate on SW and I think still has a studio/produxion/uplink there. Is that it? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. RHC, 9550 in English, Sat Jan 12 at 2330 found CO2KK in non- copyrighted propagation forecast, i.e. the end of the show, which wrapped at 2331:30 after the traditional code outro. So if it`s 17 minutes or so long, it would have started around 2314. RHC, 15370, Sunday Jan 13 at 1442 with ``La Cultura en Cuba`` show about composer Ernesto Lecuona and playing some of his great music until 1452. Probably starts at 1430, and goes into Monitoring Reminders Calendar; also on the usual // frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. Nota de Radio Habana Cuba --- TRANSMISION HACIA EUROPA FRECUENCIA 11750 KHZ, BANDA DE 25 METROS. ESTA TRANSMISION COMENZARA EL 20 DE ENERO DE 2008 HORARIO DE 15 A 18 HORAS DE CUBA PORTUGUES DE 15:00 A 15:30 ARABE DE 15:30 A 16:00 ESPAÑOL DE 16:00 A 18:00 (Revista Iberoamericana) ESTAS TRANSMISIONES SE DIRIGEN A ESPAÑA, PORTUGAL, NORTE DE AFRICA Y FRANCIA. LES ROGAMOS A NUESTROS OYENTES Y AMIGOS DIFUNDIR ESTA INFORMACIÓN (via Antônio Schuler, Brasil, Jan 10, logsderadio yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DXLD) [caps sic] i.e. 2000 Portuguese, 2030 Arabic, 21-23 Spanish on 11750. What about the 11760 transmission including 2030-2130 English? This was originally for Europe, but apparently lacking suitable antenna has been in limbo for years, even omitted from posted schedule tho repeatedly reconfirmed here, and defacto for North America. Will RHC continue on 11760, only 10 kHz away? 11750 is currently unoccupied at 20-22, after AWR Meyerton closes, but China overlaps at 2200-2300+. Commies vs Commies! Per Aoki, 11750 after 2200 is CNR-1 at 37 degrees, so maybe acceptable share. Then there`s weak R. Marumby, Brasil, 11750v, which may or may not be active thruout, whatever it is called now. EiBi says Voz Missionária, 24 hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 6420, Radio Habana; 0205, 13-Jan; M&W in Spanish commentary and RHC ID. SIO=252; // 6300, SIO=333, ute QRM; // 6140, SIO=443+; // 6060, S40; // 5865 [you mean 5965? Gh], S20 (Harold Frodge, MARE DXPedition, MI, Cumbre DX via DXLD) The only way I can think of to explain 6420 is that it is a leapfrog of 6180 over 6300 (+ 120 kHz more) which is itself a leapfrog of 6060 over 6180, but 6180 should be in English (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** CUBA. The newly identified Cubans this week are 820 which identifies near the hour as merely R. Cuba, and R. Guamá, often dominating 990 with many good IDs, with a weaker parallel on 1000 kHz. I've heard often dominant 840 identify as R. Nacional Habana. The dominant Spanish on 1050 is usually CMKT with many R. Victoria IDs whereas 1060 and 1070 usually identify as "Veinte Seis," but sometimes as "Radio Habana." Some stations are obviously carrying more than one network, for example, the evening of January 4 when 990, 1000, 1020, and 1050 all carried the basketball game parallel to the R. Rebelde outlets. I'm finding R. Cadena Habana on 1080, 1100, 1120, and 1140 with the 1100 signal so unstable for over a week that I'm shocked they broadcast it. I'm hearing and attempting to ID some of the Cubans in the higher part of the band (Doug Allen, K4LY, Inman SC; Kenwood TS- 850, Flag antennas, 53-ft vertical, 80 meter dipole, 130-ft inverted V, NRC IDXD Jan 11 via DXLD) ** CYPRUS. 5995: Due of LUX DRM disturb signal on 5990 is off at night at present: noted an additional BBC English program at 1900-2000 UT via Cyprus, to NE, ME, Indian Peninsula. Jan 14 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, harmonics yg via DXLD) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC [non]. R. Amanecer Internacional, Jan 12, not heard on 6048, at brief check at 0045, but did note a weak open carrier on 6047.2, which I still assume might be R. Santa Rosa (Peru), but was below threshold level (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Glenn, My reception of Radio Amanecer had been fairly regular on 6025v, but as reported in DXLD 8-003, it has not been heard here for a while. I still occasionally check 6047 for any signs of R. Santa Rosa, but I have not heard anything there recently. If R. Amanecer was on 6048 and at the same strength as before on 6025, I think I would have heard them if they were there. Will continue monitoring (Ron Howard, ibid.) ** ECUADOR. 3810, HD2IOA time station with pips and time announcement at :50 of each minute. Full ID at 0659:45 all in Spanish. Good Jan 11/08 (Mick Delmage, AB, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ETHIOPIA. 6030, Voice of Tigray Revolution (presumed), 01/14/08, 0458. Cuban bubble jamming disappeared around 0405, but a squealing / grinding noise (unsure if it was a data transmission or a different jammer) remained till exactly 0458. Once it was clear, M announcer in vernacular talking on the phone in an apparent interview, plus a couple of Horn of Africa type tunes. Fading and mixing with CFVP [see CANADA] by 0530. Fair (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ETHIOPIA [non]. Re 8-004: Not heard: 11900, Tensae Ethiopia Voice of Unity not heard on Jan 11/12: Armavir 1500-1600 UT 200 kW 188 degrees (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ETHIOPIA [non]. Dimitse Tewahedo, via WHRA, 11785, Monday Jan 14 at 1900 managed to surpass the previous abrupt cutoff at 1905 and continued mostly with music past 1906 and 1911 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE. Dear Glenn: Lively Greek music was mainly the theme on the "Greek in Style" program with Angeliki Timms in English on The Voice of Greece from 0005 to 0105 UT Monday Jan 14. It was heard here on 7475 with SINPO 45444 and getting noisier toward the end of the program. Nothing heard on 9420 or 12105. It seems as though 9420 has a fairly good signal while it is covering Europe, but when they change something to cover North America, nothing is heard in this area. I wonder if anyone in North America is able to pick up the signal on 9420 during that period? I realize that propagation is terrible during January (John Babbis, Silver Spring MD, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUIANA FRENCH. Checked Jan 12, there are NO DRM listings for Montsinéry currently. What`s happened? Maybe really running on 5055 daytime when not much audible abroad? Or perhaps recovering from the last few days` activity per DRM forum, 7-11 January special transmissions for the CES in Las Vegas NV. O, normally takes the weekends off, so what may we expect on Monday Jan 14? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.: DRM transmission by TDF from Montsinery to Las Vegas Hi All! From 7 January to 11 January 2008, special DRM transmissions from Montsinery (French Guiana) to Las Vegas (Consumer Show) will be performed using 150 kW RMS into a 4/4 antenna at 308 azimuth: - 21580 kHz: 1700-2000 UT, - 15605 kHz: 2300-2400 UT, - 11595 kHz: 0000-0200 UT. We hope you will get a good DRM reception in the US. Regards / 73. (Jacques GRUSON F6AJW, Jan 8, DRM DX forum via DXLD) ** GUINEA. 7125, R. Conakry (presumed), Conakry-Sofon, 01/10, French, Dialects, 0843-0901, tribal male singer (sometimes they screamed) followed by percussion that sounds like a xylophone or marimbas, long time duration music that I don't heard their end because of noise. At 01/11 this frequency was off at the same time mentioned above. 23232 (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Embu, SP, Brasil (23 33 S, 46 51 W), Sony ICF SW40, dipole 18m, 32m, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HAITI. 1120 kHz, R. Magic, Port-au-Prince, JAN 9, 0055-0120 - On top for 25 minutes with both Spanish and French, many references to Port-au-Prince and Haiti. Possibly the "Magic Stereo" AM outlet listed on internet though I did not hear "Magic Stereo" mentioned. Don't remember music either (Doug Allen K4LY, Inman SC; Kenwood TS-850, Flag antennas, 53-ft vertical, 80 meter dipole, 130-ft inverted V, NRC IDXD Jan 11 via DXLD) A rare one; indeed Haiti is very seldom reported at all on MW from nearby NAm (gh, DXLD) ** HONG KONG. SIX TO FACE CHARGES ON RADIO BROADCASTS Albert Wong Jan 16, 2008 The online edition of South China Morning Post, Hong Kong's premier English-language newspaper http://www.scmp.com/portal/site/SCMP/menuitem.2af62ecb329d3d7733492d9253a0a0a0/?vgnextoid=2470306f56e77110VgnVCM100000360a0a0aRCRD&ss=Hong+Kong&s=News The Court of First Instance yesterday gave the green light to the Department of Justice to take action against six activists who defied a court injunction to continue illegal broadcasts. The department applied to the court on Saturday for leave to initiate contempt proceedings. The expected summonses against the six defendants, including lawmaker Leung Kwok-hung and fellow League of Social Democrats member Tsang Kin-shing, concern a broadcast last Thursday on their unlicensed Citizens' Radio, during which they urged the public to join last Sunday's democracy march. Magistrate Douglas Yau Tak-hong last Tuesday agreed with them that the Telecommunications Ordinance, the basis of proceedings against them for unlicensed broadcasting, was unconstitutional. He said it restricted freedom of expression since it gave the Chief Executive in Council "sole unfettered discretion" over who, and who should not, be granted radio licences. But because of the legal vacuum the ruling would create, the magistrate suspended his ruling until it is reviewed. Meanwhile, the Department of Justice successfully applied for an injunction to prevent further broadcasts, which the defendants and other pan-democratic lawmakers openly defied last Thursday. The department will file further documents within the next two weeks to obtain a date for the contempt hearing. Once a date is set, the six defendants will be served with summonses to appear before the court. Mr Leung said yesterday he was not surprised with the swift process and said he would turn up to court when summonsed. "I have nothing to fear. They can do whatever they want," he said. The Department of Justice had previously said it also was considering action against five other pan-democratic lawmakers who spoke as guests on the Thursday broadcast, but no proceedings were filed yesterday (via Dan Say, BC, DXLD) Lots more press about this from SCMP and other papers there (gh) ** INDIA. Hello Glenn, At this moment, I am listening to All India Radio Kurseong, on 4895. The time is 1547 and I have been listening since 1530. Heard English language news at 1530, and at 1545, went into an English language program on education. Signal is armchair level, and modulation is brilliant. Best Wishes (Chris Lewis, England, Jan 13, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Glenn, From the Moman antenna farm here are a few logs from this past weekend. 4895 INDIA: AIR Kurseong 1530 UT with time pips then "News at 9" in English. Sports at 1543 and a mention to check out the News on their website, followed by headlines at 1544. Usual tone at 1545 and brief talk, very hard to understand, to 1546 tone. Then a program called "Spotlight" about the quality of education. This was // 5015 Delhi which was a millsecond ahead of 4895 kHz. At 1600 a web address was given and the two frequencies resumed regular programming of their own. Both were fair. Jan 13/08 (Mick Delmage, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Icom R-71a, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. 9425, AIR Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore) - National Channel, 0021-0041:30*, Jan 12, sub-continent music, in vernacular, BoH 5+1 pips, news, 0035-0040 ID & news bulletin in English (item about Indian leaders tribute to Edmund Hillary, etc.), good reception (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E5, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. Dear Friends, AIR Urdu Service noted today 15 Jan 2008 morning on 11600 kHz (instead of 11620) from my tune in at 0310 UT. This is scheduled till 0430 UT via Delhi Khampur 250 kw. Must be another "punching error" (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad, dx_india via DXLD) Just called up at Khampur, spoke to engineering asst. - back on 11620 at 0920 IST. Thanks Jose ! Regds (Alokesh Gupta, ibid.) ** INDIA. AIR GOS, 9690 to SE Asia, Jan 14 at 1455 with closing news headlines, and also hum on transmitter as noted previously (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. Re 8-003, ``EBITDA - definition of EBITDA - Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization. An approximate measure of a company's operating cash flow (from a Google search via gh, DXLD) Is this a common term in US financial circles? (gh, DXLD)`` No. This would be called "gross earnings". After all that folderol, it would be called "net earnings" (Clara Listensprechen, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 4606.94, RRI Serui (presumed), 1351-1415+ Jan 9. Seguéd Indo vocals, continuing with no ToH break and no announcements past 1415 tuneout. Fair signal (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Drake R-8, 100-foot RW, Cumbredx mailing list via DXLD) I was hearing it also around 1405 check (gh, OK, DXLD) ** INDONESIA. 11784.59 [tentative] V. of Indonesia, very weak towards South China, Japan and Korea, 0800-1400 UT. Under threshold at 0950 UT, but "Perseus" receiver-equipped guys will 'see' that signal (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 9680, RRI Jakarta, 1000-1020, Jan 16 (Wed.), Kang Guru Radio English program #5807, talking about growing and the uses for cloves, interview with famous Indonesian motorbike racer who is only 17, several pop songs, their usual segment with song "That's What Friends Are For", fair, light QRM/WYFR (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E5, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL WATERS [non?]. 8122-USB, Jan 14 at 1415 with Don Anderson`s detailed weather info for the Sea of Cortez, mentioning the southern crossing (for yachts) at 23 degrees north; finished his portion of the Amigos Net at 1436 IDing as ``Summer Passage``, which I think is his yacht, so apparently he was aboard rather than aland at Oxnard CA; his signal was just as big as ever, eclipsing other stations in the net (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN [and non]. 6066.10, R Sweden in Swedish from Hörby at 1900- 1930 UT is heavily disturbed by fading away signal from IRIB Sirjan site, 500 kW, 295 degrees in Arabic language. Jan 14 (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, harmonics yg via DXLD) ** IRAQ. IN IRAQ, AMATEUR RADIO'S VOICE IS MUTED [YI1AK] PASSION: Abdul Karim Hadi, who has been “hamming” since 1978, says the situation is better now than under Saddam Hussein. Hadi was detained in 2003 by U.S. soldiers but freed in a week. Under Hussein, there was little freedom to 'ham.' Though the situation has improved, enthusiasts face suspicion from officials who fear insurgent activity. [caption] By Ann M. Simmons, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer January 14, 2008 BAGHDAD -- Whenever he gets a spare moment away from his electronics repair shop, Abdul Karim Hadi sneaks off to what he calls the "radio shack" in the corner of his bedroom, flips a switch and escapes to the outside world. Hadi could use the Internet or a cellphone to connect with friends near and far, but his choice is decidedly more retro. . . http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-radio14jan14,0,7991101.story?coll=la-home-center (via Trevor, monitoringmonthly yg via DXLD) see also KURDISTAN ** ISRAEL. 15789.54, Army radio transmission, Galei Zahal at 0930 UT Jan 12 up to S=8-9 (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ITALY. RAI DRM on 846 kHz --- Ciao, according to Italian DXer & Ham Andrea Borgnino in next days RAI will start broadcasting in DRM on 846 kHz (Santa Palomba transmitter). The power could be 75 kW. So far RAI is using DRM 24 h on 693 kHz. So RAI will have two MW channels in DRM. (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy, Jan 12, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) It appears that they switched 846 from analogue to DRM last night at 2300. Reportedly the DRM signal did not contain audio during the first hours, later postings at drmrx.org lamented about a too high audio level, resulting in bad clipping. Pictures of the actual transmitters (including the new 1200 kW they could enjoy only until 2000) have just been added to http://www.mediasuk.org/archive/palomba_e.html Here the transmitter in use for 846 is rated at 25 kW. It looks rather like a TRAM 50, and 50 kW are indeed the AM carrier power listed for 846 since it had been reactivated a year ago; perhaps the 25 kW figure refers to the actual power in use for the DRM signal now. The signal strength I observe here (Germany, 50 km north of Dresden) would fit; it's not very strong, but of course still wipes out any other, distant signals (Kai Ludwig, Germany, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Er, doesn`t DRM on MW cause cancer? (gh, DXLD) ** JAPAN. 9760, Radio Nikkei (presumed), 01/14/08, 2310, Japanese. Continuous light airy pop music with female singers. Hoped to catch an ID or announcements at 2330, but signal faded fast and was basically inaudible by 2325. Would have expected they'd be into business news by 8 AM JST, but Google-translating the schedule at http://www.radionikkei.jp/cftemplate/timetable.cfm shows "Dream Pop" from 2301 to 0000 UT on channel 2. First log of R Nikkei on this frequency and first log of them at this time of day (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN [non]. [CANADA/NETH ANTILLES] NHK World R Japan new transmissions via Sackville and Bonaire [not sure if NHK replaced all GUF outlets, needs more monitoring]: 9660 0230-0300 BON 250kW 170deg Port HOL NHK [exGUF] 6195 0400-0430 BON 250 210 Sp HOL NHK [exGUF 9660] 6195 0500-0530 BON 250 290 Sp HOL NHK [exGUF 11895] 9795 0900-1000 SAC 250 163 Jpn CAN NHK [exGUF 6195] 9795 1030-1100 SAC 250 163 Port CAN NHK - 9530 1030-1100 SAC 250 163 Port CAN NHK [exGUF] (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX Jan 10, via DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also GUIANA FRENCH; maybe transmitter(s) down temporarily? (gh) ** JORDAN. 11690, Radio Jordan; 1516-1530+, 1702-1710+, 12-Jan; French & Arabic pop tunes without announcements in early segment. SIO=444-, need USB to kill ute. Late segment, M with English "7PM News Bulletin", then 96.3 FM spot & into pop music. SIO=233+ in USB. Nothing on 15290 either time (Harold Frodge, MARE DXPedition, MI, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH. UnID 6101.18, 1641-1703 14 Jan. OC into Chinese song, then operatic-sounding selection, brief announcement in unID lang. over anthem at 1700. CRI-6100 *1700 pretty much wrecked getting additional details (Dan Sheedy, CA R75/EF102040, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6101.22, KCBS, 1550, Jan 15, fair signal with singing in assume Korean, // 9665 (also fair). ID based on being parallel and their decent signal strength. Thanks Dan for the tip. I had probably heard this on my E5 without realizing they are now off frequency (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Malaysia, Tannu Tuva, were also possibilities from previous discussion (gh) ** KOREA NORTH. 6071.22, Voice of Korea, 1035-1049, Jan 16, in Japanese with Asian songs and music, best in USB, // 9650, both fair. This frequency is interesting in light of 6101.22 that I heard yesterday (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KURDISTAN [non]. V. of Mesopotamia, via Moldova/Pridnestrovye, Kishinev/Grigoriopol, 11530, good Jan 15 at 1440 with presumably Kurdish music including wailing, ululation, string instrument accompaniment, until taken out by the eerie Catholic choir of WEWN around 1457 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) How's about testing propagation - Mesopotamia shifts frequency to 7540 at 1500. Actually, the carrier comes on before then. And yesterday (the 15th) I heard some jamming on the frequency that I've never noted on 11530. I've been looking for KTBN 7505 before 1400 - when the frequency is occupied by Tashkent carrying YFR - but no trace so far. It has been audible in winters past. I thought I could detect something on 7505 yesterday between 1300 and 1400 but could not get audio out of it (Noel Green, England, Jan 16, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KURDISTAN. 13 Jan 2008 at 1607 UT noted a station in English under very heavy digital noise on 6335. Seems like end of news with ID "Voice of ....". Into non stop easy English pop songs. Some brief announcements but mainly music. At 1630 "News in brief". Only couple of items, mostly mentioning Baghdad and Iraq. Back to music. Ending English around 1657 with two ID's, which sounded like "Voice of Kurdistan". After that into possibly Kurdish with ID "Dengi Kurdistan". Still continues at 1725 as writing this. A new name for VO Iraqi Kurdistan or maybe a "Foreign Service" using VO Kurdistan name? (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Noted this transmission in English near Munich yesterday Jan 12th: (Wolfgang Büschel, ibid.) IRAQ, 6335, V. of Kurdistan Englisch. Zumindest fuer mich neu: Englisches Programm der Voice of Kurdistan mit Nachrichten, Berichten und engl. Popmusik. Gehoert ab 1600 UT auf 6335 kHz, SINPO 43433. ID: "Here is the Voice of Kurdistan" (Rudolf Sonntag, Germany, A-DX Jan 12, via WORLD OF RADIO 1391, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) From KDP: This is a confirmation that you have reached our Radio station VOK (Voice of Kurdistan). Radio "VOK" is the first free radio for the Kurds. It was established in Sep 28, 1963 during the September revolution of the Kurdistan. The radio station was formed with the order of the KDP president Mustafa Barzani, the leader of September revolution. At the beginning, the equipment's used were a number of old military wireless sets joint together to form a short wave sender. The center of broadcasting was a cave deep in a Kurdistan mountain Salah-Addin north of Erbil. The radio station was a target of Iraqi air force for many years. A number of technician, editors and guards were killed by these air attacks. The radio was and is still running by the KDP. The Program of "VOK" consists of News, opinion of KDP, Kurdish culture and music. With best regards, Alex Atroushi, KDP - Kurdistan Democratic Party- Iraq. KDP Information Office-Internet phone + 46 70 790 40 97. + 46 73 509 40 97. fax + 44 20 818 16 293 party @ kdp.se http://kdp.se http://kdp.nu (via Rudolf Sonntag, Germany, A-DX Jan 13 WORLD OF RADIO 1391, ibid.) Boilerplate doesn`t really confirm the new English (gh) G.C. Salah ad Din / Salahuddin, Iraq 36 22 44.00 N 44 12 26.00 E Guten Morgen Rudolf, das - mit English - hoere ich zum ersten Mal. Bisher nur immer Kurdish/Arabisch gelistet auf 6335 kHz. Muss ich mal checken. Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan - Kurdistan Democratic Party, led by Masud Barzani http://www.clandestineradio.com/crw/sked.php?id=239&stn=318&log=999 http://www.clandestineradio.com/crw/news.php?id=235&stn=318&news=563 http://www.clandestineradio.com/intel/station.php?id=205&stn=318 Ich verliere mich hier: Leider komme ich bei http://www.kdp.pp.se http://www.kdp.pp.se/kdpinfo.html nicht auf den Stream: Vielleicht auch nur ab heute Nachmittag um 1500/1600 UT zu hoeren? http://stream.news-equipe.com/asx/ktv_radio.asp Und jetzt um 1135 UT hoere ich auch nichts ueber den Satellit Hotbird 13.E, 11013 MHz horizontal. Vielleicht auch nur heute Nachmittag ab 1500/1600 UT? (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX Jan 13, ibid.) ** LATVIA. 9290, Latvia Today; *1400, 13-Jan [Sun]; English s/on with ID and program notes; LL [Latvian or unknown language? -- gh] pop tune to 1405 then English Latvian news features. SIO=343+, completely swamped Chinese music jammer which was on before s/on (Harold Frodge, MARE DXPedition, MI, Cumbre DX via DXLD) 9290 Firedrake has been heard from 1250 with signal S3 and continues past 1300 and goes past 1400 13 Jan, co QRMing with EMR/LT (Zacharias Liangas, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LITHUANIA. R. Vilnius, 7325, English to North America, Jan 12 at 2340 had a report on the Lithuanian language dictation test, apparently a major national literacy event. I notice that the announcers almost omit the I in pronouncing Vilnius, and also almost omit the U in Lithuania. At 2344 began first mailbag of 2008y, mentioning that most of the reception reports lately had come from Japan, and were quite similar to each other, concerning the NAm service on 7325 which was making it there despite the usual Chinese co-channel (which I was also getting). One correspondent listened to the Lithuanian semihour at 2300 but not the English at 2330. The entire mailbag had some hauntingly familiar music bed running, which was nice, but not necessary for SW intelligibility. They also mentioned that RV can be listened to on the internet, something I had yet to try, via http://www.lrt.lt But going there one sees little but Lithuanian. Following the instruxions in English comes to a dead end, unless you pretend you are getting a podcast of ``current affairs in English`` from http://www.lrt.lt/prenumerata/podcast.php?chid=234933&secid=2&flt=7345 However, even at 0351 UT Sunday, the latest show available there was from Friday January 11. That mp3 file displays as 35:14 long, but signed off English at :28 minutes in, then filled with nice folk music, 30:00 into Lithuanian, and then pop music. At 2354 gave the English schedule as: NAm 2330 on 7325, 0030 on 9875, and ``next day`` to Europe at 0930 on 9710. We`ve had conflicting info about whether the weekly KBC Radio broadcast via the same Sitkunai site to NAm, UT Sundays 0100-0159, is now on 6255, or like the 2130-2230 broadcasts to Europe, on 6265. UT Jan 13 at 0150 I could detect a weak carrier on 6255, not 6265, but would prefer to have more certain confirmation from eastward. I wonder why RV on 7325 was making it so much better (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) And here it is: 6255, KBC; 0155-0159*, 13-Jan; Wide variety of tunes; 5th Dimension, folk tune, Russian dance tune; 0157 The Mighty KBC (Harold Frodge, MARE DXPedition, MI, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** MALI. 9635, R. Mali, Kati, *reactivated!*, 1150-1320, 13 Jan, vernacular, talks, modern Malian songs, news, obituary (tentatively) in progress at 1230, French at 1300 for newscast; 55544. Silent on 11960 & 7285 (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9635.00, RTM Bamako in Arabic/vernacular - not French - noted again in 31 mb around from 0814 UT, S=6 signal, but weakens more and more between 0830 and 0900 UT, Tuesday Jan 15th. The station uses only a single SW transmitter at present. Tentative RTM schedule like this: 5995 0600-0800(-0812...), 1800-2400 9635 0800(0812...)-1800 Checked previously used 11960 kHz around 0815-0900 UT, but observed CRI Beijing 1 program only, latter till 0900 UT. So the other RTM unit seems OFF at present, nothing observed on 4782v, 4835v, 7285v kHz recently. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO 4800, XERTA (presumed), heard Jan 14 and seems their test transmissions of just non-stop music have ended. Non-stop songs (probably religious) from 0258-0323, weak, with CODAR QRM. Re-tuned to find announcer talking in Spanish from 0346-0353 and into music and more talking. This would seem to be consistent with their regular programming, too weak to ID, but still a much better signal than on ex 4810. 4800, XERTA (presumed), 0242-0335, Jan 15, segments of non-stop religious music and singing and segments of talking (preaching?), weak, usual CODAR QRM, still no ID, but best reception so far (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E5, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO [and non]. 6010, R. Mil, 0610-0615 13 Jan. Atop frequency briefly with ballads, ranchera and "en Radio Mil, vive la música de México" slogan. Next night had (presumed) LV de tu Conciencia with low-key religious discussion at 0655, R. Mil just a rumble beneath (Dan Sheedy, CA, R75/EF102040, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. Hola Glenn: converse telefónicamente con el Ing. Moreno de XEXQ, me hizo saber que estarán saliendo al aire algunas horas en los 6045 kHz durante algunos días y no en el horario completo. La razón es que reiniciaron ajustes a la antena y están en espera de un acomplador para acabar de instalarla adecuadamente. Mañana saldrán al aire algunas horas durante el día. Que tengas un buen fin de semana, 73´s (Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla, DF, 2220 UT Jan 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. Hola Glenn, Saludos desde Catia La Mar, VENEZUELA. Escuchada este 06/01, a las 2208 UT, Radio UNAM, en los 9599.2 kHz. Programa de música clásica con la mención de la Orquesta Sinfónica de San Petersburgo. Locutor con voz densa. SINPO 23322. Muy feliz de escuchar la señal de esta estación por vez primera, la cual se origina en la universidad pública más grande de América Latina. La UNAM - toda una joya arquitectónica - recibió hace unos meses la distinción de la UNESCO como Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad, la cual también obtuvo nuestra querida Universidad Central de Venezuela en 2001 (Adán González, Jan 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9599.28, Radio UNAM (presumed), Mexico City, 0047, Jan 12, conversation in Spanish, stronger than usual, in LSB. 9599.35v, Radio UNAM (presumed), Mexico City, 0535-0545, Jan 16, conversation in Spanish, 0954 heard with classical music, weak. Frequency higher than usual (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MOROCCO. 1642, RTM-"B", site?, 1355-..., 12 Jan, Spanish program, Spanish songs; 45454; also 1431-..., 13 Jan, English, talks & info about the country, international music, French at 1500; 55454. This is heard all day, and, of course, it goes without saying we still have that weird modulation, not normal AM (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MYANMAR. The Burmese Army Station, 5770 at 1221-1330+. PWBR doesn't list this at this time but sounds Burmese. Talk and pop music (presumed Perhaps Ron Howard can help me with this. 13 January (Liz Cameron, Brighton, MI, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Liz, A very strong probability that you did in fact hear them. Format and time are correct, as I have also heard them after 1200 UT, so everything you heard is consistent for them. A very nice catch! Per Aoki http://www.geocities.jp/binewsjp/bis07.txt 5770 - - Myanmar Defense Forces - -1200-1600 - - -1234567- - - Burmese [Actual sign-off time has consistently been observed about 1530] (Ron Howard, CA, ibid.) ** MYANMAR. Re Alan Davies` report, 8-003: It seems that a new service of Myanma Radio is relayed on 5986v in the local early morning: I think the station Alan is referring to is probably this one: Xinhua General News Service: New radio station on air in Myanmar Tue 30 Oct 2007 Filed under: News, Inside Burma A new radio station has been on the air very recently in Myanmar mainly broadcasting music with brief domestic and international news intercepting its program, according to Yangon audiences who came to notice Tuesday. The two-and-a-half-hour morning program of the "Padauk Myay" Radio Station, broadcast in local language from an unidentified location since last week and is believed to be from inside the country, is received from 5:30 a.m. (local time) to 8 p.m. on such frequency waves as FM (frequency modulation), MW (medium wave) and SW (short wave), the audiences said (via Hans Johnson, Jan 12, Cumbredx mailing list via DXLD) Same report attributed differently was in DXLD 7-149 (gh) ** NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Checked Jan 12, the DRM DX schedules sorted by country show: 1700-1757 Sat/Sun 17605 133 Brazil 120 RNW HOL Spanish Bonaire 1700-1757 Sat/Sun 17700 170 S America 120 RNW HOL Spanish Bonaire 1800-1857 Sat/Sun 15315 320 N America 120 RNW HOL English Bonaire 1800-1857 Sat/Sun 17605 350 N America 120 RNW HOL English Bonaire So either RNW now has TWO DRM transmitters running at Bonaire, or outdated listings were not removed. It also does not show Brandon, Australia – what became of their DRM? Does show both Great Britain, and UK with separate listings; perhaps should have England too? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also GUIANA FRENCH ** OKLAHOMA. Nice QSL certificate received 11 Jan 2008 from W5G, for special event 80m ham operation at Guthrie OK on 17 Nov 2007 for the Oklahoma Centennial. Latest addition to my QSL gallery, #28, at http://www.worldofradio.com/QSL.html Guthrie was the original state capital. The certificate tells some of that story (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. RADIO TOWER REMAINS UNLIT AT TIP • AVIATION HAZARD UNREPAIRED 01/12/08 --- By Helen Barrett Local pilots know there’s a radio tower jutting into the sky 820’ east of Alva. They also know lights only reach about midway to the top of the tower making the top half invisible during night flights. Local pilots and the Alva Regional Airport manager repeatedly reported the lights out in NOTAMS to the FAA over the past two years. “When the tower stood there for several years with NO lights, I wrote the FAA in Dallas and Senator Inhofe's office asking for help in getting it lighted and nothing seemed to come of any of my efforts,” newspaper publisher Lynn Martin said. When Civil Air Patrol pilots received their briefing before beginning search and rescue simulations Jan. 5, the unlighted tower was among the first hazards mentioned. Lights on the tower went out when a dispute between the tower owner and the electricity provider escalated to the point of pulling the plug on the then radio station more than two years ago. A lawsuit and counter-suit followed between tower owner Brian Dodge and local lessees of the radio station broadcasting as KTTL which was ultimately abandoned. Thursday, a representative of the Federal Aviation Association in California had difficulty locating the tall tower on their official sectional maps. Looking through FAA records, the representative named LaDonna, discovered a “PSR” letter from 2003. According to FAA definitions, this was a “post site reconnaissance” report following some type of damage to the site. Upon inspecting her files, LaDonna indicated the original information was for a tower to be built 125’ in the air. She later found reference to its height as 820 feet tall. However, she said paperwork for the tower appeared to not have been properly completed. LaDonna said she would turn all of her notes and the information she could find to Doug Felix of the FAA Southwest Office in Texas for further investigation. “We want to make things safe for the flying public,” she said. Armed with the new information, LaDonna said the FAA “would find him,” referring to Dodge, and hopefully rectify the danger before a catastrophe takes place (Alva Review/Courier, via Kevin Redding, AZ, Jan 13, ABDX via DXLD; also via Artie Bigley, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DXLD) KTTL has been off the air a lot, I don't think it's been on the FCC's silent list and I'm pretty sure it's been off the air awhile (Paul B Walker Jr, SC, ibid.) It was a semi-local here, even had Enid advertising. I have not heard it in months, and was absent in an FM bandscan just this afternoon. Non tower-lighting like this is unconscionable, whatever the excuse (Glenn Hauser, Enid, Jan 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 105.7 I deal with a fellow named Gerretsen here in the west and he fines stations for having lights out. The FCC guy seems to want to get it stopped before it gets to the FAA (Kevin Redding, Gilbert, AZ, ABDX via DXLD) ** OMAN. 15140, Radio Sultanate of Oman, 1427-1500, Jan 12, tune-in to pop music. Chimes/gongs & ID at 1429. English news at 1430-1438. Continuous US pop music at 1439-1500. Arabic at 1500. Weak signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAKISTAN. Here are details I've received of the changes at Radio Pakistan. All other World Services not mentioned continue as before, as I assume does English News & Commentary at 1600-1615. The World Service to West Europe now starts at 0830-1100 followed by 4 minutess of English as usual on the same 15100 & 17835 as monitored. Following External Service will be DISCONTINUED w.e.f. 5 January 2008. No Service Transmitter UT Frequency 1. Assami API-3 0045-0115 7445 [really was in ENGLISH – gh] 2. Arabic API-3 1815-1900 6280 3. Tamil I & II API-3 0315-0345 & 0945-1015 both 15620 4. Turki API-3 1330-1400 5050 5. English WEu API-5 & 6 0730-0830 15100 & 17835 (Urdu opens 0830) 6. Nepali API-3 1245-1315 7445 7. Sinhali API-3 1015-1045 15620 8. Turkish API-3 1630-1700 6240 9. Russian API-3 1415-1445 9395 The following services will continue with some changes in the Timings & Duration. The detail is as under: 1. Hindi-I API-3 7445 0215-0300 no change Hindi-II API-3 7445 1030-1130 (ex 1100-1145) 2. Bangla-I API-3 7445 0115-0200 no change Bangla-II API-3 7445 1200-1245 no change 3. Pushto API-3 5050 1300-1400 (ex 0500-0545) (ex 6235) 4. Dari API-3 5050 1430-1530 (ex 1515-1545) 5. Irani API-3 5050 1700-1800 (ex 1715-1800) 6. Gujrati API-3 9350 0400-0430 no change 7. Chinese API-5&6 9380 & 11570 1200-1300 (ex 1200-1230) (via Noel Green, England, Jan 12, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3345, R. Northern, 1117 12 Jan, lively island and pop music including a remake of Abba`s "I Have a Dream"; W host after just about every song. 1256 end of Island song, then same announcer with ID and closing with frequency and morning s/on time. Little ToH tinkly melody at 1258. Still going at 1304, but OC at 1306 check. 3290, R. Central, 1156 12 Jan, "The Lady in Red" by Chris DeBurgh. W with very short closing including an ID, then instrumental NA at 1158-1159. Carrier still on at 1255 check. [see UNIDENTIFIED] 3334.97, R. East Sepik, 1233 12 Jan, end of rock-like song, then M talk 1234-1236, and possible live remote. 1238 back to music. Remote continued at 1239 with talk by child and M. 1245 studio M after island song. 1247 M with phone caller. Phone caller`s audio was much stronger than announcer. Reggae song at 1259. Different M at 1300. 1301-1302 studio M with probable closing. 1302-1303 short instrumental NA, then NBC national news by M. Went off at 1305:43*. Fair but a lot of CHU slop-over QRM (Dave Valko, Dunlo PA, HCDX via DXLD) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3235, R West New Britain, 1245, 01/14/08. Male DJ with island-type songs, music continued through 1300 without pause, a longer talk at 1304 that seemed like it may have included an ID. Poor, not much above the noise floor (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PORTUGAL. A partir de 14 de janeiro, retorna à grade de programação da RDP - Rádio Portugal o segmento Caixa Postal/Dexismo, onde são contestadas, no ar, as cartas e informes de recepção enviados pelos ouvintes. A 1ª edição vai ao ar, às 0845, em 15555 kHz; a 2ª, às 1418, em 15465 kHz. Uma reprise irá ao ar, nas terças-feiras, ás 0030, em 11960 (Célio Romais, Brasil, Panorama, @tividade DX Jan 13 via DXLD) ** ROMANIA [non]. Re: ``Radio Armonia in Romanian now is on the air on Saturdays 1100-1130 on 9795, repeated 1630-1700 on 5950. ... We previously had the axual transmitter site for this program; what was it?`` 9795 = Fontbonne, 5950 = Jülich (Kai Ludwig, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hello Glenn, First HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 ! Here are more details about Radio Armonia (DXLD # 8-004) --- This programme in Romanian is called "Vocea Evanghelei", produced by Radio Armonia and broadcast over Trans World Radio on Saturdays: 1100-1130: 9795 kHz from Fontbonne Monte Carlo 1630-1700: 5950 kHz from Jülich Germany Contacts: Radio Armonia Smardan nr 13 Iasi 700 399 Romania contact @ harmony.ro http://www.harmony.ro Regards from France (Christian Ghibaudo, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. 6075, R. Rossii-Petropavlovsk *1756-1803 13 Jan. OC, anthem, 5+1 pips, bells and ID, into presumed news/feature (Dan Sheedy, CA, R75/EF102040, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. 5905, Russian service of R Rossii, Moscow site (Lesnoy?) of extreme strength S=9+30 dB signal around 1900-1910 UT, scheduled 1600- 2200 UT, let out a broad splatter signal tonight, mostly on the upper flank. 5894-5905, and 5905-5925.5 kHz. Jan 14 (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, harmonics yg via DXLD) ** RUSSIA [non]. Continuous pop music on 13755, 1520 past 1530 Jan 15, fair; some lyrix seem Russian. Yes, per EiBi it`s 13755 1500-1600 RUS VoR Sodruzhestvo R ME /D-w 13760 The V. of Russia Commonwealth service via Wertachtal, Germany. PWBR also shows this but for summer only, obviously not the case (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN. An American diplomat in Sudan and his driver were shot to death early Tuesday (Jan 01) as they were coming home from a New Year’s Eve party in Khartoum, the capital. In Washington, the Agency for International Development identified the diplomat as one of its officials, John Granville, 33, originally of Buffalo... According to Western officials, Mr. Granville left a New Year’s Eve party at the British Embassy around 2:30 a.m. and was being driven to his home in an upscale neighborhood in central Khartoum. Shortly before he arrived, a car pulled up next to him and 17 shots were fired, Sudanese officials said... A Sudanese government official said that the attack appeared well planned. The assailants’ car sped in front of the diplomat’s car, cutting it off. Two gunmen got out of their car, with one of them shooting Mr. Granville and the other shooting the driver, the official said... Mr. Granville had served the Agency for International Development in Sudan as well as Nairobi... Mr. Granville had been deeply involved in a project to distribute 450,000 radios equipped with generator cranks and solar panels, which work in places with no electricity. The goal was to prepare southern Sudan for elections in 2009 and a possible referendum in 2011 on independence, according to Shari K. Bryan, who is a senior associate and regional director for East and Southern Africa at the National Democratic Institute, a nonprofit, pro- democracy group based in Washington... (Extracts from article by Jeffrey Gettleman, via Hans Johnson, DSWCI DX Window Jan 9 via DXLD) Mr. Granville was doing a project for Sudan Radio Service, a USAID- funded service. The project involved distributing 75,000 wind up radios to be given to persons who would head up listening groups. The radios were given out as none were available in the local markets. By listening to SRS, the groups will learn about civil education. You can read more about the project at http://wlid.usaid.gov/docs/pilot_radio_training.pdf As an aside, Mr. Granville mentions that the shortwave sets could pick up not only BBC and SRS, but Nile Radio as well. I thought this might be the Nile Radio now active on 9250. I asked Tarek Zeidan of Egypt who the audience for Nile Radio is and he replied that it is for Sudanese people (Hans Johnson, FL, ibid.) ** SUDAN [non]. 5975, Sudan via UAE, Sudan Radio Service, Dhabbaya, 01/14, English, 0303-0308, female: news programme, ID "you're listening SRS". Strong 44444 (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Embu, SP, Brasil (23 33 S, 46 51 W), Sony ICF SW40, dipole 18m, 32m, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Presumed to have moved site from Rwanda, but 240 may favor SP even more than before, unlike USA (gh) ** SUDAN. Re the new Radio Peace, as in http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article25459 As usual in press reports, they do not mention frequencies! On SW it is on 4750 and 5895 (DSWCI DX Window Ed. Anker Petersen, Jan 9 via DXLD) Surely this government-sponsored propaganda outlet has nothing to do with the flea-powered missionary station in southern Sudan already using that name on 4750, 5895 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET. 6090, CNR-2 (Geermu), 01/14/08, 1327, English. English Evening program with an American R&B tune, followed a reading about the benefits of stress (which listeners could apparently follow along if they had a program magazine), then a chatty conversation between two announcers ("Rachel"(?) and "Steve") on the same topic. Some adjacent-channel QRM, but overall clear and fair (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DX LISTENING DIGEST) = Golmud; is it really in Tibet? Close to the border not shown on my atlas. Now how is stress beneficial? (gh, ibid.) ** TRINIDAD & TOBAGO. TE FM DX to southern Brasil: see PROPAGATION ** TURKEY. 6055.10, TRT Çakirlar in Bosnian very ODD signal and annoying hum sound around 1900-1927 UT sign-off, ahead of co-channel CRI Cërrik Albania in French on even channel. Jan 14 (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, harmonics yg via DXLD) TRT Emirler with two ODD frequency transmissions: 11925.05 Turkish 500 kW 97 deg to SEAs/Pac, 0800-1000 UT. 11795.03 in Persian at 0930-1100 UT. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UGANDA. 4750, R. Dunamis. In an e-mail received this morning from Mrs. Marty McLaughlin at Bible Voice Broadcasting in response to my request concerning the possible reception of R. Dunamis in Jan 2006, she indicates that R. Dunamis has been off the air for several months but is due back on the air at the end of January (that makes three stations expecting to return this month: R. Dunamis, The Cross Radio in Pohnpei and ARDS in Humpty Doo Australia. We shall see). [Later:] According to another e-mail from Marty McLaughlin at BVB, Radio Dunamis is off the air due to both a transmitter and an antenna problem – they are awaiting the arrival of the engineer from the U.S. who custom designed the installation to get back on the air – still hoped for by the end of January (Bruce Churchill, CA, Jan 15, Cumbre DX via WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DXLD) ** U K. BBC WS/R3 DJ jailed --- Sad, for a DJ associated with openness and a concept of respect to others. DJ Andy Kershaw has been jailed for three months for breaking a restraining order involving his ex-partner. The 48-year-old had pleaded guilty to the offence at the High Bailiff's Court in Douglas on the Isle of Man. The breach of the order, which bans him from seeing Juliette Banner, took place in Peel on the island in November. Passing sentence on Tuesday, High Bailiff Michael Moyle told the Radio 3 DJ that he seemed "hell-bent" on destroying himself. Rochdale-born Kershaw, of Shore Road, Peel, and Miss Banner have two children, a ten-year-old son and eight-year-old daughter. The court heard that the root of the problem was a dispute over the children. You do not seem to appreciate that the author of your destruction is yourself [caption] High Bailiff Michael Moyle Miss Banner had described the DJ as "menacing and provocative" when he approached her and her new partner Jim Imrie, at Peel Breakwater in November. At an earlier hearing, the court heard how Kershaw was "hyper" as he walked up to Miss Banner and Mr Imrie. He glared at them, before circling them and walking "in front of them backwards", the court was told. Kershaw also admitted sending text messages "of an abusing nature" aimed at the couple to his children. Passing sentence, High Bailiff Michael Moyle said Kershaw's life was turning into a "Greek tragedy". He added: "You seem hell-bent on destroying yourself and you do not seem to appreciate that the author of your destruction is yourself." Mr Moyle told Kershaw that Miss Banner and Mr Imrie were "entitled to be protected from your unlawful activities". He continued: "I regret that I feel I have no obligation other than to impose custody." 'Humiliating situation' Mr Moyle also ordered the restraining order preventing Kershaw from approaching Miss Banner and Mr Imrie to remain in place. Nigel Cordwell, defending, had earlier told the court that Kershaw would accept a decision to imprison him "stoically". He added: "It is devastating to Mr Kershaw that he finds himself in this humiliating situation." Mr Cordwell said Kershaw was trying to fight a dependence on alcohol, and had been abstinent for some time. Kershaw had been given a three- month suspended sentence in October at the same court for harassing Miss Banner. A former BBC Radio 1 DJ, Kershaw most recently hosted a Radio 3 world music programme, which is currently off-air (Source? via Andy O`Brien, NY, dxldyg via DXLD) Andy Kershaw`s World of Music; how sad (gh) ** U S A [non]. Today (January 11), I received a QSL card from VOA (Satellites in Germany - site probably discussed in DXLD though I can't recall where it was). First of all, I find it odd that there was one sticker to confirm three reception reports - two in December (via Botswana and Briech) to the Audience Mail address and one from August direct to the IBB Sao Tome address. They even sent back the US$1 return postage I included in the Sao Tome letter. So I guess any attempt to QSL VOA Sao Tome are turned back to Washington? (Jon Pukila, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada, Jan 11, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) I believe that IBB overseas sites are under no obligation to QSL directly. You may get one anyway if you know the right person to reach. The manager of São Tomé site, who was a ham, recently retired (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. VOA LAUNCHES NEWS BLOG This month the Voice of America (VOA) enters into a dialogue with its Internet audience about its journalistic standards and editorial decisions through the just-launched VOA News Blog Washington, D.C., January 15, 2008 - This month the Voice of America (VOA) enters into a dialogue with its Internet audience about its journalistic standards and editorial decisions through the just- launched VOA News Blog. "We want to shed more light on the journalistic standards that guide VOA," said Alex Belida, Senior Advisor for News and the chief writer of the VOA News Blog. "This is a valuable avenue for engaging our audience, taking them behind the scenes and explaining how we cover the news." The first installments are now online at http://voanewsblog.blogspot.com/ One talks about the new VOA handbook and the principles of credibility, independence, and respect that every VOA journalist must uphold. Another VOA News Blog posting focuses on how VOA decides to use the term "rebel" instead of "terrorist." Future postings will look at core editorial guidelines such as the VOA Charter, which requires programming to be accurate, objective, comprehensive, and balanced. As the dialogue expands, VOA will draw on the knowledge and expertise of editors and writers from throughout its newsroom and 45 languages services. Alex Belida has been VOA's Senior Advisor for News since March 2007. From 2004 to 2007, he was VOA's Managing Editor for News. He has served at VOA's Senior White House Correspondent and Pentagon Correspondent, and he has also done stints as a correspondent in Africa and Europe. In 2006, he received the prestigious Alumni Achievement Award in journalism from Columbia University. Last week, VOA debuted an African music blog African Music Treasures and other specialized blogs will be available in the future (VOA Press release via Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, Jan 15, DXLD) ** U S A. American Forces R/TV Service, Key West [sic], FL, 7811 kHz USB, 1306 UT 1/11, tune in to sports report via Sporting News Radio, then into "Nature Minute" from the National Geographic Society followed by a report from the "Pentagon Channel." What made this reception interesting were frequent audio interruptions lasting 10 to 15 seconds at intervals of 30 to 45 seconds; it was like listening to streaming audio via a slow landline link. Kept listening to 1315 and interruptions continued throughout. This must have driven regular listeners (if there are any) batty! (Harry Helms, W5HLH, Smithville, TX, EL19, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. There is an unusual station on USB on 3185. It sounds like a Christian Identity program and is the most hateful broadcast I have heard. It has biblical quotes and then hateful comments against all major political figures. it is on now. 0355 UT. [Later:] I still don't know if it is a pirate station or not but the program ended at 0359 than Id then a very boring talk followed. Anyway the program identified as "Dr. Richard" of the Bible prophecy network aka as the Fugitive. Weird. [Later2:] The station is apparently WWRB in Manchester TN and the program was The Last Voice of the Church Age which is on from 0330 to 0400 on 3185. I think I should fill all of you in. I was using one of the DXtuners sites in Europe and came across this signal and was stunned to hear some of the most hateful comments I have ever heard in my life. I originally thought it must be a pirate because it was on USB and no respecting broadcaster would ever have the temerity to air what I heard. WWRB does have a website but not surprising there are no listings on Google for the so-called "Last Voice of the Church Age." I am still stunned (Robin VK7RH Harwood, Tasmania, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Robin, Please don't think we all like these folks. They're embarrassing. Fortunately, there's few of them, so they're not running around in huge numbers. Only SW stations carry them --- they're not on local MW, FM, TV, or satellite. 73/(Liz Cameron, MI, ibid.) I`m afraid you would find some of them on domestic outlets, satellite, if you seek (gh, DXLD) Robin: It's WWRB and, believe it or not, it's an FCC-licensed radio station. WWRB stands for WorldWide Religious Broadcasting. This swill is a staple of the independent commercial shortwave broadcasters here, unfortunately. Sorry to hear that the signal can get all the way to you (John Figliozzi, Halfmoon, NY, ibid.) Robin, I`m surprised you were surprised, as WWRB is the only SWBC station in the world on this frequency, and specializes in hateful programming. If you had not heard it before, consider yourself fortunate. USB? Should be AM. I checked 3185 at 0638 UT Jan 15 (when Brother Scare is on), and it was DSB, both on LSB and USB with full carrier as far as I could tell. Did you have the remote receiver in USB mode, and thus assume what you heard was transmitted on USB only? 73, (Glenn, ibid.) Glenn, I can confirm it was indeed on sideband but I did not check whether it was DSB because I did not hear any carrier. I assumed it was USB. Point taken. Also I did hear it as well from Pennsylvania but not as good as from the Cornwall / North Devon site. After 0400 there were mainly the usual religious fare and not as hateful as the so- called "Voice of the Last Church Age". I would not have reported it but is appeared to be a pirate by the topics and tone and was stunned to ascertain that it is indeed a legitimate outlet (Robin L. Harwood, VK7RH, Norwood, Tasmania, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. TAIWAN: Recent frequency change of YFR via Taiwan relay in Mandarin: 2200-2400 6230 (x7235), \\ 9280 at 2100-2400 UT. 1100-1600 6240 (x7250), \\ 5995, 6115, 7165, 9280, 12150 til 1300 UT, 7535 1300-1600 UT (Gordon Brown NWDXC, wwdxc BC-DX Jan 10 via DXLD) On 6240 station with religion in Mandarin at 1400, modest signal, slightly low frequency. 7535 in English at this time (Olle Alm, Sweden, Jan 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) At 1230, 9280 is in parallel with 6240, while 7165 and 12150 have two different programs in Chinese and the other frequencies are not audible due to interference (Olle Alm, Sweden, Jan 15, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. TX-DOT net, 5195.0 instead of 5195.3, SSB, Monday Jan 14 at 1430-1434 with usual weekly rollcall of Texas cities in alphabetical order. Quite a few were absent, but this time I noticed that YL- sounding voices emanated from Brownwood and Wichita Falls, obsessed as I am with the gender of radio communicators. Net ID at closing by NCS Austin, WQFR277 was ``Tex-dot-TRS``, but not sure of the TRS part, surely not sponsored by Tandy Radio Shack (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1130, KLEY Wellington KS, semi-local, was dead air at 2148 UT Jan 13 and several minutes thereafter. If no one at the station is listening to itself, why should they expect anyone else to? (Glenn Hauser, US 81/64/60, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WHAT YOU CAN'T HEAR HERE YOU CAN HEAR ON NPR SITE By Marc Fisher Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, January 13, 2008; M04 Living in a city without a full-time jazz station, I have to rely on CDs and downloads to hear my fill of Miles Davis and John Coltrane. But to discover new jazz from singer Madeleine Peyroux or pianist Bruce Barth, it's necessary to reach past broadcast radio to online music services, music blogs and pay satellite radio. But now comes NPR Music, a sprawling Web site from National Public Radio on which I can listen to the NPR jazz (or classical or folk or indie rock) shows that don't air on Washington's public stations -- as well as tap into song lists, video and audio of concerts, music-related stories from NPR's news shows and a raft of programs from public stations across the country. The Web site, http://NPRmusic.org which launched in November to the joy of many listeners and the consternation of some local public radio stations, helps fill the gap in the many parts of the country where jazz, classical and other traditional public radio music formats are vanishing as stations increasingly focus on news and talk programming. . . http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/11/AR2008011100676_pf.html (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** U S A. WOSU-FM has announced that beginning Monday, Jan. 14, they will replace much of their classical programming on their main analog channel with a simulcast of NPR and other syndicated programs which are currently available on WOSU-AM. Through emails with the station's "listener advocate" I have learned that they will continue their usual classical programming on their HD2 channel. I objected, as a financial supporter, to this because I do not have nor do I intend to get the three or four HD radios needed to listen as my wife and I are accustomed. The fact that they are losing long time listeners such as I and my wife doesn't seem to matter to them. I also was told that this is in a effort to increase their listener numbers since there has been a decline in listeners during the past years to the point that the corporate sponsors are less willing to provide support. It appears to me that they are putting the $$$ from corporate and business supporters above the wishes of the loyal listeners who have been contributing for years. If they are continuing their usual programming on HD2 then they are not saving production costs so the move appears to be driven by keeping the business sponsors happy at the expense of contributing listeners. It also appears to me that they are, by simulcasting, wasting a radio "channel" in the Columbus market. Just my thoughts on the subject and other thoughts are welcome. (Neil E., Jan 12, radio-info.com Columbus board via Artie Bigley, OH, DXLD) Discussion thread follows: http://www.radio-info.com/smf/index.php/board,223.0.html ** U S A. KATV LITTLE ROCK TOWER COLLAPES The transmission tower for KATV-7, KATV-DT 22, and KETS-2 collaped at about 1:00 pm central time. Just got home and noticed this via the Arkansas Times website. Link is from KATV. http://www.katv.com/news/stories/0108/487185.html An Arkansas Landmark is gone, it was constructed the year I was born. Although I have been a critic of the some of the station's programming policies I feel the loss of KATV's tower for the owners and viewers of KATV and KETS (analog). I confirmed the loss of KATV's digital signal as this is being typed. KETS-DT 5 the AETN digital flagship in Little Rock is unaffected since it broadcasts from the KASN tower nearby. A sad day in Little Rock and Arkansas television broadcasting. – (Fritze, KC5KBV, Prentice, Star City, AR, JAN 11, WTFDA via WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DXLD) ** U S A. 1360, KKMO Seattle, WA 0801-0812 13 Jan. Sked DX Test heard tentatively with sweep tones, 1 kHz tone and collegiate marching band music, but no IDs, under local KLSD (almost co-linear with KKMO, so nulling KLSD pushed KKMO into the mud). Thanks to all who helped put this one on (Dan Sheedy, CA, R75/EF102040, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Last week the House Energy and Commerce Committee leadership ordered FCC chairman Kevin Martin to retain documents and emails and refrain from retaliating against agency workers who might assist the panels investigation of Martin's management practices. http://www.multichannel.com/article/CA6518252.html?desc=topstory http://www.radioworld.com/pages/s.0102/t.10582.html (CGC Communicator Jan 15 via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) ** U S A. CHRIS COMPTON IN SUPPORT OF LPFM --- Chris Compton is a well respected broadcast engineer and the owner and operator of KFXM-LP, 96.7 MHz, Lancaster, CA. According to some Communicator readers, his station is one of the shining examples of how an LPFM should be run. Yet his very success has angered some of the local full power broadcasters as documented in this eye-opening long-form letter: http://earthsignals.com/add_CGC/Letters/LPFM_Compton.htm (CGC Communicator Jan 15 via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) ** VENEZUELA. 5000, Observatorio Naval Cagigal -- This is an old transmitter of R&S, Munich, as to a flyer in my archives (Walter Eibl, Jan WWDXC via DXLD) Rhode & Schwartz ** VENEZUELA [non non]. Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Canal Informativo, sigue moviéndose en su frecuencia de onda media. Ahora la estoy midiendo (1944 UT) en los 631.26 kHz. SINPO 44444. En plena transmisión de la llegada de las rehenes liberadas por las FARC, a territorio venezolano. La operación ha sido todo un ÉXITO. (10/01). 73s y buen DX (Adán González, Catia La Mar, Estado Vargas, VENEZUELA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA [non]. Hello Glenn, I wanted to pass on to you that I've found a really good quality daily news and information broadcast from Radio Nacional de Venezuela. Time: 1-hour broadcast, daily starting at 2300Z, Frequency: 15250.00. Signal strength (as received here in Silicon Valley) S9+20. Language: mixed English and Spanish. Content: News and information of Venezuela and Central/South America along with some music segments reflecting Latin American culture. This broadcast seems genuine in that it does not appear to be an opposition transmission from a disguised transmitter owned or operated by U. S. Government's USIA. There is so much "spin" in the mainstream media of the United States, that, in my opinion that, it is important to hear the other side of the story with an open mind and hear what they have to say. Feel free to include the info above in your next World of Radio segment. Regards (Patricia (Elaine) Gibbons, WA6UBE / AAR9JA http://www.qrz.com/wa6ube Jan 15, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Elaine, Tnx for the report. This is one of several one-hour broadcasts daily from RNV, all transmitted by Cuba. I think you will find that English segments are quite sporadic. 73, (Glenn to Elaine, via DXLD) I emailed RNV and asked for a copy of their current schedule. No reply as yet. Please let me know of other RNV broadcasts that may include English language as you run across them!! Regards (Elaine, ibid.) Elaine, Let me know what they tell you if anything. The schedule they announce on the air (in Spanish) is about 4 years out of date, and so is their website. I seriously doubt they know what their own transmission schedule is. I have published the correct schedule, as monitored, periodically in DX Listening Digest, but this is a good opportunity to review it, one hour each: 1000 6180 1100 6060 1200 11705 1500 11680 1900 15290 2000 17705 2200 11670 2300 13680 15250 These items also appear in the EiBi listings, http://www.susi-und-strolch.de/eibi/dx/bc-b07.txt But are incorrectly shown as M-F only. The separate Sunday-only Aló, Presidente service starting at 1400 is on 3, 4 or 5 frequencies also all via Cuba. It is possible there are additional as yet undiscovered broadcasts, since the only way to find them is by random tuning. English segments appear on no particular schedule. However, if you hear English on one of the earlier broadcasts, it would probably be repeated at the same time during the successive hours that day. Regards, (Glenn to Elaine, via DXLD) Thank you, Glenn, the additional info helps so much that I'll staple it to the wall here .. :-) (Elaine, ibid.) ** ZAMBIA. Received CVC January 13, 2008 on 13590 kHz. Wondered if actually from Zambia. Emailed CVC. Copy of email and reply below. 73, (Kraig, KG4LAC, Krist, Manassas, VA USA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Dear CVC, On Sunday, January 13, 2008 I received a CVC broadcast, in English with "Scope" programming, from 2048 until 2101 UT signoff on 13590 kHz. Where is the transmitter for this broadcast? Is this via Zambia? Please reply. 73, Kraig Their reply: Dear Kraig, Thank you for your email. This CVC service is broadcast from Zambia. More details can be found through this link: http://www.cvc.tv/go/fuseaction/schedule.main/lang/english Kind regards, (Deborah Collier, PA to the Managing Director, Christian Vision, Jan 15, via Krist, ibid.) NOT including transmitter sites! Mixes in services to India and NW Africa, apparently still including German relays. Is this up-to-date? (gh, DXLD) ** ZIMBABWE [non]. 15775, VOA via Morocco, 1721-1740, Jan 13, "Studio 7" program in English, "Good evening Zimbabwe … it's 7:20 PM in Zimbabwe. This is Studio 7 for Zimbabwe, live from the V.O.A.", reports about Zimbabwe (political rally, church news, etc.), brief segment "Here is what's going on around Africa", into radio drama/play "The Bridge", fair to poor, no jamming heard, // 12080 via Botswana (poor). Weekend schedule for English is 1720-1740 UT. Website at: http://www.voanews.com/english/Africa/Zimbabwe/about_studio_7.cfm (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E5, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZIMBABWE [non]. Voice of the People January 11, 2008 11610 kHz via Madagascar. Tuned in at 1715. Talk in local languages. English from 1742 until sign off at 1755. Talks, news, sports. Website http://www.radiovop.com given at end. SIO 222 with constant, same type, music on 11610 kHz. Visited website. Very slow loading. 73, (Kraig, KG4LAC, Krist, Manassas, VA USA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 960 kHz, Jan 13 at 2142, remax.com commercial detectable under talk from local KGWA, as I was checking out new caradio a few miles N of Enid near the ch 46 OETA translator site at the junxion of US 81/64/60. Suspect KMA Shenandoah IA, perhaps back on full power/tower. KMA is non-direxional daytime, and KGWA protects it day and night, but was still very strong at this location not far from its null. I need to do a bandscan around noon LMT = 1832 UT, to minimize skywave which may have played a part in this log. BTW, on this stretch of highway northward from Enid, you are on US 81-N, US 64-W and US 60- E all at the same time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Tuned around this morning between 6:00-6:15 am Central / 1200-1215 UT and there was no trace of "The Het" on 1181. 530 kHz was still in well at that time, so there was propagation to Cuba, and 1181 always is audible for about 145 minutes after 530 fades out. Temporary or permanent? I don't know --- I report, you decide (Harry Helms W5HLH Smithville, TX EL19 Jan 16, http://harryhelmsblog.blogspot.com/ ABDX via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. Someone is off-frequency from 1320 kHz, producing a ``rumble`` het, Jan 13 at 2151. Closest stations are Clinton OK, Ft Smith AR/OK, and Lawrence KS, tho at this hour skywave may have been a factor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 1650 kHz, Jan 13 at 0631-0633, ``CBS Radio Networks, Channel 42`` and tone, announcement loop. Yet another instance of some abandoned/automated station broadcasting an inactive satellite channel. Very likely one of only three regulars here on the frequency, KWHN-OK, KCNZ-IA or KBJD-CO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 3290, UNID, possibly Papua New Guinea (PNG), 0925-1015, Jan 05, - pretty much has to be R Central, Port Moresby or Voice of Guyana, neither of which has been reported lately. Guyana is nominally on 3290 but usually heard 3291. The program format seemed more like PNG than Guyana with lots of what sounded like Pidgin. Pop vocal at tune in to 0929.5, then ann[ouncer or ouncement???] followed by lots of talk. Perhaps special programming for some PNG event? (Bruce Churchill, CA, DSWCI DX Window Jan 9 via DXLD) See PNG UNIDENTIFIED. 5954.1 – see COSTA RICA, tho not fully IDed yet UNIDENTIFIED. 8GAL, CW marker heard again Jan 11 at 1400-1401 immediately following the timesignal from R. Rossii at sign-off; its carrier remained on about halfway thru the marker, but I had set the BFO on 6075.0 to be sure I could still hear and record all of it. I did not want to touch it, so cannot be positive 8GAL was on 6074 or 6076, but it was about 1 kHz offset; probably 6074, like the RTTY I heard the other day. I kept monitoring until 1406 but did not hear any replies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 8GAL was noted here this morning at 1400. I did see your comments on the UDXF and I am still wondering just why no further info about it (Steve Lare, Holland, MI, Jan 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 8GAL heard here beginning just prior to the 1400 time pips from Radio Rossii. I'm listening to 6075 in LSB with a 6 kHz filter on the Drake R7. 12 January (Steve Lare, Holland, MI USA, ibid.) 6074.0, 8GAL, Jan 13 started CW marker a few seconds early, overlapping the Russian timesignal at 1400* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 7087-USB, Jan 13 at 0017 as I tuned by, had music in LSB! Switching on BFO, found apparently a ham singing a solo in Spanish until 0019. No ID heard nor anything further for the next few minutes, but watch this frequency! Do all countries prohibit musical hamming, or mainly the USA? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 15710, Cuban-style grind jamming against no detectable target, still going strong, Jan 14 as late as 1903. It would be nice to catch its start and stop times, possibly uncovering its target, but I admit listening to jamming is not very attractive. I am not aware of anyone else ever reporting this big dirty signal amid 19mb broadcasters. Maybe R. Prague would care if it is bothered between 1630 and 1800 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15710 - I have tried this frequency at various times but have never succeeded in hearing anything. 73 (Noel Green, England, Jan 16, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Glenn, thanks for all you do for shortwave and amateur radio as well. 73 (John Carson, KD5SRW, Norman OK) PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ ”ER TING BA FANG” BROADCAST BULLETIN, CHINA Has anyone heard of this or know how to reach it? DXing the Finnish Way blog has quoted some items from it, such as this one Dec 7: http://finndxer.wordpress.com/2007/12/07/radio-nacional-del-paraguay-not-returning-to-sw/ Which looks suspiciously like info we have previously published, but no further attribution is given. Pentti Lintujärvi, who runs the blog, has not replied to two inquires from us about this; and googling on the name leads nowhere except back to that blog. And what does Er Ting Ba Fang mean? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) DIGITAL BROADCASTING DRM: CYPRUS; GUIANA FRENCH; ITALY; NETHERLANDS ++++++++++++++++++++ ANTILLES PROPAGATION +++++++++++ YES... we have just seen solar cycle 24's start up, but so far it has been a very modest beginning, with the first sunspot region at high solar latitude and reverse magnetic polarity fading away quietly, without producing any solar flares. Now solar scientists are once again scratching their heads as yet another reverse magnetic polarity sunspot has appeared, but this time it has shown up near the solar equator, the area supposed to be reserved for the sunspots of the old cycle... Anyway, for us radio hobby enthusiasts, the start up of a new solar cycle is always very good news, because it signals the end of the extended period of extremely low solar activity that has so badly affected short wave propagation during the past two years. For all practical purposes the winter sporadic E season of the northern hemisphere is coming to an end, but I still see reports of E skip openings happening over Europe, especially around the Mediterranean region. The spring-summer sporadic E DX season will start at the end of April, and will last until August, with the peak happening between the end of May and mid July. Sporadic E clouds provide amazing DX on frequencies that can reach as high as 200 megaHertz, but more typically are in the range between 25 and 60 megaHertz. At frequencies higher than about 100 megaHertz, sporadic E DX is not as frequently seen as events happening on the lower frequencies. One interesting fact about sporadic E DX is that the ionization of those clouds is so intense that very low power stations can be picked up with amazingly strong signals at distances of up to two thousand kilometers that correspond to the geometry of the sporadic E single hop propagation path. OUR EXCLUSIVE AND NOT COPYRIGHTED HF PLUS LOW BAND VHF PROPAGATION UPDATE AND FORECAST Solar flux again at rock bottom levels, sunspot count is ZERO, again for the past three days a totally blank solar disk, and the daytime maximum useable frequencies are barely making it up to 21 megaHertz at the peak times. Nighttime propagation, in contrast, is excellent on our hemisphere, from the long wave broadcast band all the way up to around six or seven megaHertz, so enjoy low frequency DX before cycle 24's sunspots begin to spoil it (Arnie Coro, CO2KK, RHC DXers Unlimited Jan 15, HCDX via DXLD) LONG-HAUL TRANS-EQUATORIAL FM-DX, TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TO SOUTHERN BRASIL Enfim, estou aqui no PR curtindo um pouco a TEP. Ao contrário do que eu esperava, este 2008 trouxe emissoras novas para o dial. Ainda não consegui obter identificação positiva de todas as emissoras novas escutadas (que não são muitas, mas sao boas), mas vou compratilhar com vocês os resultados das minhas pequenas caçadas. Destaque para a retransmissora da BBC, em 88.7, que segundo eu li começou a irradir em novembro e já foi captada aqui. Grande 73 a todos! 91.1, 07/01 0001, TRD, 91.1 FM, Tobago, px de esportes começando w/ trechos de uma partida de futebol ou cricket (time chamado Diana), OM/M entrevista, telefone citado 623 4911, às 0013 sinal melhorou tanto que foi possível ouvir mx tocando baixo ao fundo, tlk abt West Indies Cricket 35222 91.5, 07/01 0023, TRD, 91.5 FM (Pulse?), Woodbrook ?, emissora transmitindo uma espécie de hit parade w/ mx pop. Ficou 5 min só com portadora, e voltou às 0136, só dizendo 91.5 FM 25222 98.7, 06/01 0352, TRD, BBC Caribbean (nova!), provável Port of Spain, px entrevista YL/YL w/ sotaque EE britânico 33333 99.1, 06/01 0350, TRD, 99.1 FM (Next FM?), ???, mx soca, ID "99.1 is the winner" "Welcome to soca city" "99.1", escutada também dia 07 com números de telefone 6283006, 3423771, px Soca City, mx mixada w/ sons de trombetas ao fundo (horns) 35333 105.1, 06/01 0344, TRD, Vibe, CT 105 – TBC (tent), orto f Spain, OM EE, mx soca, OM diz telefone 623 5105, 0352 OM ao telefone, depois YL (Diane) 43433 (MARCELO XAVIER VIEIRA, ITAMBÉ-PR, Brasil, @tividade DX Jan 13 via DXLD) The geomagnetic field was quiet to active on 07 January with localized minor to major storming detected at high latitudes. Quiet to active levels persisted on 08 January. Activity decreased to mostly quiet levels during 09 - 11 January. Activity increased to quiet to active levels on 12 January, then decreased to quiet to unsettled levels on the last day of the period. ACE solar wind measurements indicated a recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream was in progress on 07 January. Peak velocity was 763 km/sec at 07/1320 UTC, followed by a gradual decrease in velocities through 12 January. Interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) variations during the high-speed stream included a peak Bt reading of 5.4 nT at 07/0056 UTC and Bz readings in the + 5 to - 5 nT range. Protons densities ranged from 1 - 2 p/cc during the high-speed stream. The activity increase on 12 January was associated with a solar sector boundary crossing (SSBC) in advance of a recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream. IMF changes associated with the SSBC included a peak Bt reading of 10.4 nT at 13/1603 UTC and a minimum Bz reading of -8.0 nT at 12/1504 UTC. The proton density increase associated with the SSBC reached a peak of 11.4 p/cc at 12/1153 UTC. Solar wind velocities showed an unsteady increase following the SSBC with a peak of 586.3 km/sec observed at 12/2311 UTC. FORECAST OF SOLAR AND GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY 16 JAN - 11 FEB 2008 Solar activity is expected to be very low. No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to reach high levels during 16 - 27 January and 03 - 11 February. The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet to unsettled levels during 16 - 17 January. Quiet conditions are forecast for 18 - 31 January. Activity is expected to increase to unsettled to active levels on 01 February due to the onset of a recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream. Quiet to unsettled conditions are expected during 02 - 04 February as the high-speed stream gradually subsides. Quiet conditions are expected during 05 - 08 February. Activity is expected to increase to unsettled to active levels during 09 - 10 February due to another recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream. Quiet to unsettled conditions are expected on 11 February as coronal hole effects subside. :Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt :Issued: 2008 Jan 15 1953 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Product description and SWPC contact on the Web # http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html # # 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table # Issued 2008 Jan 15 # # UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest # Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index 2008 Jan 16 75 10 3 2008 Jan 17 70 8 3 2008 Jan 18 70 5 2 2008 Jan 19 70 5 2 2008 Jan 20 70 5 2 2008 Jan 21 70 5 2 2008 Jan 22 70 5 2 2008 Jan 23 70 5 2 2008 Jan 24 70 5 2 2008 Jan 25 70 5 2 2008 Jan 26 75 5 2 2008 Jan 27 75 5 2 2008 Jan 28 80 5 2 2008 Jan 29 80 5 2 2008 Jan 30 80 5 2 2008 Jan 31 80 5 2 2008 Feb 01 80 15 4 2008 Feb 02 80 12 3 2008 Feb 03 80 10 3 2008 Feb 04 75 10 3 2008 Feb 05 75 5 2 2008 Feb 06 75 5 2 2008 Feb 07 75 5 2 2008 Feb 08 75 5 2 2008 Feb 09 75 15 4 2008 Feb 10 75 15 4 2008 Feb 11 75 10 3 (SWPC via WORLD OF RADIO 1391, DXLD) ###